Results of "International Gingerbread Wars 2020"

Loomise kuupäev 23.12.2020

Congradulations for everybody!

For now the "International Gingerbread Wars 2020" is over. There were a lot of participants and voters. 10 schools from 5 different countries took part of the contest. There are no winners and losers - we are all winners - we got a lot of inspiration, different recipies, nice videos and many interesting photos of gingerbreads.

We would like to say many thanks for participants - your gingerbreads are wonderful!


Our big thanks for Vidzeme´s Technology and Design Vocational School who participated in judges work and also sent some souvenirs for winners.

After Christmas time we will send gifts for all participated schools by post - just wait a little bit :)




1. place - Klaipeda Tourism School, Lithuania

2. place - Järva County Vocational Training Centre, Estonia

3. place - Kuldiga Tourism and Technical School, Latvia

3. place - SASKY Municipal Education and Training Consortium, Finland


Our SPECIAL AWARD for the most actual gingerbread goes to Kristiāns Orlovskis, Vidzeme Technology and Design Vocational school, Latvia.


VOTERS FAVOURITE was Rugile Velaviciute, Klaipeda Tourism School, Lithuania.


Again many thanks to everybody who participated and voted. We wish you really peaceful Christmas, may New Year brings you all you´ve wished for and of course many wonderful and delicious gingerbreads! artikkel: Võrumaa kutsehariduskeskus algatas rahvusvahelise piparkoogilahingulink opens on new page

Viimati muudetud 07.01.2021.